Note: Most recent post will be at the bottom
8:15am: Henry was taken by the surgical team around 8:15 this morning. They said he should be out of surgery in three to four hours. Their gentle assurance that they do this procedure all the time was comforting. He such a strong little guy.
12:30pm: We are with Henry in the CTICU. He came out of OR around 11am and we were with him by 11:45. He's a bit uncomfortable but looks great given what he has endured.
6:00pm: It's been somewhat of a roller coaster this afternoon. The doctors and nurses are taking amazing care of him. It has been a bit of a challenge trying to get his medication balanced. I'll post more later as he just woke up very unhappy.
That's good to hear. We've been thinking about you guys all day. Thanks for the updates.
Glad to know that. Thanks for the updates and we'll keep praying.
Sending love from DC. Give that little pumpkin a kiss for me.
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