As previously posted, Henry had a heart cath in May which basically helped the doctors determine the best time for his next surgery, the Fontan. Well, that time has come. We met with Dr. Starnes in July and they set his surgery date for August 18th. We got a call last Thursday and they needed to moved Henry's surgery date to tomorrow, Monday, August 15th. So last Friday, we went to CHLA for his pre-op (xray, bloodwork, EKG, etc). He was such a trooper. It was a bit earlier than expected but it is so important to have him completely healthy for the surgery, so we gladly accepted the change. My folks are driving out here to help take care of Ben and Will. The boys enjoy teasing grandpa, so that should be quite an adventure for them. Henry, Steve and I will head up to CHLA in the morning. Steve will be staying at the Ronald McDonald and I'll be staying with Henry. CHLA just opened a new hospital last month and have accomodations in the room for the parent.
We are to be at Admitting tomorrow at 7am. They expect the surgery to last 4-5 hours. We are anxious to have it done and move forward. It is our hope that this will be his final surgery for some time. The surgeon is quite optimistic given his overall anatomy. The odds are in his favor (knock on wood), but it is open-heart surgery. Everyone we spoke with at the hospital focused on recovery and not the surgery, which was heartening. It almost felt as though Fontans are routine around here, which was comforting. But still - when it's your kid?
Thank you to everyone for all the love, strength and prayers. Know that you are held in our hearts and that your prayers and thoughts are helping to carry us through this.
This time tomorrow, the surgery should be behind us and we can focus on recovery and getting Henry home.
We are thinking about you guys and wishing for the best possible outcome.<3 Larry and Linda
You guys are in my prayers. I know it is different when it's your kid. All that the rest of us can do is offer our support. Although we are not there with you, we are there in our hearts.
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