Thursday, May 21, 2015

Surgery Day

Update @ 1:15pm: We are with Henry in CTICU. He's in great hands with nurse Lance. He has already been extubated and is just on oxygen via cannula. They are giving him some more pain meds as he woke up and wanted to go home. We spoke to Dr. Starnes and he is very pleased with the results. From what I could understand, they had to remove some sub aortic membrane as it was blocking the blood flow. They had to go through his septum to do so, which could have resulted in heart block (interrupting the electrical components of the heart). They were successful and Henry did not have to get a pacemaker. Thanks for the prayers. Xoxo @ 10:00am: Henry's currently in surgery. They said it would be about three to four hours before we can be with him in ICU. We were unsure until this morning if the procedure was "a go" and he had a cough the past few mornings. They did blood work and a chest X-ray along with the other standard vitals to ensure that he was healthy for the surgery. He has some vascular membrane pushing on his heart that they need to move. I'm still not clear on the exact procedure. However, it will be open heart, so recovery will take longer. He was not happy this morning 😢 but he's in amazing care. The doctors are incredible. Keep those prayers coming. God Bless!


Unknown said...

Prayers and hugs!!!

Anne said...

So glad all went well! Praying for you all.