On Friday Henry was doing so well they promoted him to a general cardiac care unit on the sixth floor. He had a little trouble with his breathing and his oxygen levels began to drop so they brought him back to the critical care unit on Saturday.
He is doing much better today. Shanna asked that I post more pictures:
Last night defending his binky ...

First bath (last night) ....

Resting today ....
He's awesome. What a survivor! Can't wait to hold him and tell him get ready... big brother Wil's gonna be more to deal with than this! haha.
Hi Shanna & Steve, We had some "scares" with Cambrea's sat levels too... alarms going off, sat levels dropping (her range at the time was supposed to be 75-85) and a rush of hospital staff. We're praying and pulling for Henry. His pictures are adorable. Keep them coming!
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