Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Shanna was released from the hospital today. She is doing well and is with Henry as I write this. Shanna has access to a sleep/rest room near Henry's unit so she is able to switch easily between visiting with Henry and laying down to get rest.

Henry is in the cardiac ICU and will most likely be there for the next week. He has a full time nurse and gets constant attention from the doctors in the unit. The team here is terrific and I can't see anything more that can be done to keep him comfortable and recovering well.

The doctors decided not to go forward with the Norwood procedure but instead did a less complex procedure. This was great news as it meant that his heart was on bypass and stopped for a shorter period of time. This was a small miracle in itself. His surgery was pushed to later in the day as a result of this change. They perform surgery in the order of complexity and this pushed him to the #2 slot. There were 4 surgeries of this type performed on Monday.

They left Henry's chest open to accommodate the swelling of his heart. This is normal and they plan to close his chest Wednesday or Thursday. He is also on a ventilator and that is expected to come out a couple of days later.

Shanna and I have access to Henry 24x7 and we are staying across the street from the hospital. Ben and Will are with Grandma and Grandpa and are doing well also. Thanks everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and wonderful support.
Steve and Shanna.


Anonymous said...

You both must be exhausted and overwhelmed. Henry is soooo lucky to have come into this world to two of the most loving parents I know. Give each other a big hug and kiss from me and tell Henry he'll get his later when he comes home. Wait... Can he/you have visitors? I'll call you Shanna tomorrow. Just got in from CO just now and have only had access to this site via blackberry. Call you in the morning. xoxo

Sevin said...

I am so happy that everything is going well. Henry is beautiful, and I am glad to hear that Shanna is recoverying well, and it looks like you all have wonderful support. Damian, the kids, and I will keep you all, and especially baby Henry in our prayers.

Marni Lombardo said...

That is wonderful news that Baby Henry didn't need the Norwood procedure. Although we felt somewhat helpless when going through our daughter Cambrea's heart surgeries, we felt so lucky to find Dr. Starnes and CHLA to care for her. Baby Henry is in the Best hands. Our family has been praying for you guys and thinking about you everyday. Much love to you all!

LOLClub said...

Love Ya'll!
Kari and Trent

Anonymous said...

This is good to hear the recovery is going well. You are in our thoughts and prayers. The pictures are great.

lou&george said...

We are happy to know that both Shanna and Henry are doing well. George and I continue to pray for Henry. He is indeed a miracle baby. Your family is blessed. Ben and Will must be excited to see their baby brother. We look forward to seeing you guys soon. Take care.

Jen said...

Thank you for the update and Thank God for his grace and love for you and Baby Henry. I've been praying for your family and I hope someday to meet your special little guy. Shannie, you are so awesome-God has blessed you with a beautiful family. Henry is just too sweet. I'm thinking about you and sending you big hugs.