Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 2 & Day 3 - Busy

1st Night: Henry's first night goal was to stay as comfortable as possible. However, he had a different plan. He wanted to go home. Nurse Lisbeth was incredible and tried her best to make him as comfortable as possible. He's been in amazing care here. Thanks Paula N. for ensuring that Henry had the BEST nurses. Day 2: Nurse Lance came back to take care of him and Henry was ready to rest after a restless night. But Nurse Lance and the doctors had a different plan - eat, sit up, and start removing meds, chest tube and nose cannula. We had a busy day. He was doing so well that they moved him to CV Acute around 3pm after he had his requested grilled salmon and rice for lunch. While in CV Acute care he took his first walk down the hall and again had salmon and rice for dinner. The surgical team came in that evening and informed us that he was going to need another chest tube inserted to drain the fluid around his lungs. The Lasix and other chest tube (already removed) was not enough. He was also coughing quite a bit and becoming irritable that they had to give him 02 again, which caused even more anxiety. After some medication he was able to rest for most of the night. Day 3: Henry woke up about 5:30am just in time for his X-ray which would determine if he needed the chest tube. Given that he would possibly have surgery to insert the chest tube, he had to stop all food and fluids at midnight. We heard from the surgeon around 7:30am that he would need the procedure. By this point, Henry was very thirsty and agitated. They took him back around 9am and we were back with him by 10am. He's resting right now and already has 300cc drained from the lungs. Ben, Will and Gramma Jerre should be here when he wakes up. He really misses them. Please continue to pray for the little guy. Xoxo, Shanna

1 comment:

Susan said...

Love that he requested salmon and rice <3 Big hug to Henry XOXO